Thursday, October 4, 2012

Exercising and NOT eating Pizza

As per the title of my blog, I love pizza.  Following that, I also love pasta, nachos, and baked potatoes with sour cream and bacon.  Not necessarily in that order....but I need to put those aside and make myself do more healthy things.

So, I started to exercise again.  Just this morning, I did a cardio/strength workout.  This one, actually:

Spark People 20-minute Fat Blaster

If you don't know what Spark People is, let's just say it's a free weight-loss and nutrition website which has a ton of great information, and free workout videos.

Which is awesome when the outside is getting colder and colder!

So I 'blasted some fat' this morning, and now I feel it in my buns.  Hopefully there will be yoga tomorrow.

I also saw this amazing post on spaghetti squash and how to use it.  If you haven't ever eaten it before, spaghetti squash is MAGICAL.  Let me say again...

I know it doesn't look like much....just trust me on this.

It's cheap, low on calories and fat, and can be used in a ton of dishes without bloating you up/overloading you with carbs.

For more tips on how to prepare this amazing vegetable, click here.  I prefer to microwave it myself.

So, now that I've shared my favorite vegetable....will you tell me yours?

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